<p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">Metaverse is a real thing. The Metaverse is a term used to describe a virtual space within digital environments such as online games, social media, and virtual reality. It is a combination of the prefix "meta", meaning beyond, and stem "universe". coined by Neal Stephenson, the metaverse is, in fact, the stuff of science-fiction. He talked about it in detail in his 1992 novel "Snow Crash", in which people don virtual reality headsets to interact inside a game-like digital world. The book has long enjoyed cult status among silicon valley entrepreneurs.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">Recently, Metaverse has become one of the tech sector's hottest buzzwords, with companies pouring millions of dollars into its development.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">Metaverse is a vision of the future that may sound fantastical, but which tech titans like Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg are betting on as the next great leap in the evolution of the internet.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">It refers to shared virtual worlds where land, buildings, avatars, and even names can be bought and sold, often using cryptocurrency.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">In these environments, people can wander around with friends, visit buildings, buy goods and services, and attend events. With the help of augmented reality glasses, it might allow you to see information whizz before your eyes as you walk around a city, from traffic and pollution updates to local history.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph"> Facebook announced it plans to invest $50 million into making the metaverse "responsibly."</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">The noise around the metaverse has now officially trickled into the 5G industry. According to a Bloomberg article, some believe the metaverse is how wireless network operators will recoup their 5G investments. For example, Pernilla Jonsson of Ericsson's Consumer & IndustryLab suggested that the metaverse might be a 5G "killer app" that would help operators avoid becoming dumb pipes.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">"The metaverse is our future business model. It will be our core business platform," Cho Ik-hwan, SK Telecom's vice president and head of mixed reality development, told the publication. "We want to create a new kind of economic system. A very giant, very virtual economic system."</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">South Korean engineer Shaun has big plans to develop the parcels of land he has snapped up for millions of won (thousands of dollars) in recent years into long-term moneyspinners.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">“I’m planning to design my building which is suitable to host K-pop live performances and K-drama screenings,” the 30-year-old investor told Reuters. “That can probably lead to a profitable business model in two to three years.”</p><div class="reader-image-block reader-image-block--full-width"><div class="ivm-image-view-model "><div class="ivm-view-attr__img-wrapper ivm-view-attr__img-wrapper--use-img-tag display-flex "><img id="ember1237" class="ivm-view-attr__img--centered reader-image-block__img lazy-image ember-view" src="https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C5612AQH-YNIQN_ZWUw/article-inline_image-shrink_1000_1488/0/1632996144618?e=1649894400&v=beta&t=MlVOSf9pNYBp8vtJyT67poesaSvxKokBfxeXT-Db0bk" alt="No alt text provided for this image" loading="lazy" /></div></div></div><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">And construction won’t be hampered by any coronavirus pandemic-spurred labour shortages or increased costs. Shaun’s grand project is all in the blockchain-based virtual world Decentraland.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">The "metaverse here" may be a futuristic prospect for most of the world, but it's increasingly a reality in South Korea where soaring home prices and income inequality have enticed the so-called Generation MZ, or Gen MZ, into alternative online worlds.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">Their digital avatars play games, walk around with friends, host social gatherings, shop, and party - and make plans to build cities and profitable businesses. Shaun, who declined to be identified other than by the name of his Decentraland avatar, has gradually immersed himself in the platform over the past three years.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">Users can buy land in this virtual world with the aim of hosting real businesses there, like a nightclub that charges users for access. Just like in the real world, the success of the businesses and the communities around them can raise the value of your virtual land.</p><blockquote class="reader-text-block__quote">Users can buy land in this virtual world with the aim of hosting real businesses there, like a nightclub that charges users for access. Just like in the real world, the success of the businesses and the communities around them can raise the value of your virtual land</blockquote><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">And investment managers, telecom firms and even the South Korean government are all plugging in.</p><div class="reader-image-block reader-image-block--full-width"><div class="ivm-image-view-model "><div class="ivm-view-attr__img-wrapper ivm-view-attr__img-wrapper--use-img-tag display-flex "><img id="ember1238" class="ivm-view-attr__img--centered reader-image-block__img lazy-image ember-view" src="https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C5612AQHFfEA4R2gXdg/article-inline_image-shrink_1500_2232/0/1632996344212?e=1649894400&v=beta&t=rlE-EuOn_kHoH25wC1JrROqU7kVB-Rk-23XStBi8dTg" alt="No alt text provided for this image" loading="lazy" /></div></div></div><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">Samsung Asset Management expects its Samsung Global Metaverse Fund, launched in late June, to easily beat its goal of drawing 100 billion won ($86.49 million) by the end of 2021, with around 1-2 billion won flowing in every day.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">Choi Byung-Geun, Samsung Asset Management vice president, said interest in the metaverse had grown since the pandemic as people worked remotely. The Samsung fund launched just two weeks after KB Asset Management’s KB Global Metaverse Economy Fund. “With global big tech companies such as Facebook seeing their business direction shifting toward the metaverse, the industry is raking in money,” Choi said.</p><div class="reader-image-block reader-image-block--full-width"><div class="ivm-image-view-model "><div class="ivm-view-attr__img-wrapper ivm-view-attr__img-wrapper--use-img-tag display-flex "><img id="ember1239" class="ivm-view-attr__img--centered reader-image-block__img lazy-image ember-view" src="https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C5612AQGNy9An_fXmcg/article-inline_image-shrink_1500_2232/0/1632996421744?e=1649894400&v=beta&t=WzxF557GhGZ4fUeyu0l_Xr4PNXqZOCIe1NQvE9ARbuI" alt="No alt text provided for this image" loading="lazy" /></div></div></div><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">SK Telecom, the country’s largest mobile carrier, launched a metaverse ‘ifland’ where denizens can host and attend meetings with other animated avatars. “As the social trend shifted to non-face-to-face due to the pandemic era, the demand (for metaverse services) jumped,” an SK Telecom official told Reuters. “There are thousands of rooms being created every day and tens of thousands of daily users.” SK Telecom is part of a ‘Metaverse Alliance’ launched by the South Korean government in mid-May that includes more than 200 companies and institutions.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">A Ministry of Science and ICT official told Reuters the government hopes to play a lead role in the metaverse industry. In a 604.4 trillion won budget for 2022 unveiled last week, the government earmarked 9.3 trillion won to accelerate a digital transformation and foster new industries such as the metaverse.</p><div class="reader-image-block reader-image-block--full-width"><div class="ivm-image-view-model "><div class="ivm-view-attr__img-wrapper ivm-view-attr__img-wrapper--use-img-tag display-flex "><img id="ember1240" class="ivm-view-attr__img--centered reader-image-block__img lazy-image ember-view" src="https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C5612AQEc6f2Y-a3rHQ/article-inline_image-shrink_1500_2232/0/1632996484397?e=1649894400&v=beta&t=q4VEdRJ5ZwzYOSXvW1lyGgdf_n0dvJUWQVhaWM4bpsk" alt="No alt text provided for this image" loading="lazy" /></div></div></div><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">MZ GENERATION</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">South Koreans have been especially open to the attractions of the metaverse, even though it remains unclear to what extent a full replication of real life is possible, or how long it will take to develop.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">Social experts attribute the interest to the disgruntled MZ generation - a term coined in the country that merges Millennials and Generation Z, encompassing those born between 1981 and the early 2010s.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">As the coronavirus pandemic has dragged on, a new lexicon has sprung up in South Korea for the “untact” - the opposite of “contact” - economy.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">“The craze for the metaverse reflects the sadness and anger of the MZ generation due to polarisation,” said Kim Sang-kyun, an industrial engineering professor at Kangwon National University who has published two best-selling books on the metaverse since late 2020.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">“They do not consider the metaverse as an alternative or replacement of reality, instead it’s just another part of their lives,” said Kim. “They are the generation that has communicated with the world through devices since birth, unlike the older generation.”</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">For 37-year old Choi Ji-ung, it was frustration with real estate prices and regulations in the physical world that drove him to buy property in geolocation-based platform Earth 2.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">Choi’s 50 million won investment in the pricey Gangnam district in Seoul on Earth 2 is something he can only dream of in the real world.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">“It was easy to purchase and not as expensive as I thought,” he said.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">Fuelling many of the metaverse platforms are non-fungible tokens (NFT), intangible digital assets encompassing everything from artworks and videos to clothes and avatars, which are purchased with cryptocurrency.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">Decentraland offers a limited number of digital land parcels, or LAND, in the form of NFTs that are acquired using MANA, a fungible token that acts as the game’s currency. MANA, an altcoin, can be purchased with fiat currency on limited cryptocurrency exchanges or in a swap with digital currencies like bitcoin or ether.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">As in the real world, land parcels located closer to popular districts are more valuable than others. Some land parcels that sold for about $20 each when Decentraland launched in 2017 now change hands for hundreds of thousands of dollars.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">As the platform develops, Shaun and other landowners believe they will be able to make money by using their land for a variety of commercial businesses, such as building concert venues and charging admission for performances.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">Changes and developments to Decentraland are overseen by the Decentraland Foundation, which was set up as a nonprofit organization to act on behalf of users.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">PROPERTY DEVELOPERS</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">Wang Keun-il, a 36-year-old fintech entrepreneur, owns lands in North Korea’s capital Pyongyang, Vatican City, and Egypt on Earth 2, where he plans to build profitable tourism or educational business.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">Earth 2, which launched in November, is not a fully-fledged metaverse environment, but rather a marketplace for selling digital tiles which represent parts of the Earth. Users cannot currently “enter” the land they have bought, meaning Wang has taken a gamble on a world that is yet to materialize.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">Earth 2 Chief Executive Shane Isaac told Reuters South Koreans were the most active users on the platform, based on self-affiliation, spending about $9.1 million, followed by the United States with $7.5 million and Italy with $3.9 million.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">Decentraland said its platform had more than 7,067 active users from South Korea in the 30 days to Sept. 1, second only to the United States.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">“People won’t forget about or move away from the industry once things return to something resembling normality,” Dave Carr, a communications lead for Decentraland Foundation, told Reuters.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">“If anything, this period will define the most important, valuable or relevant entities and experiences.”</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">On the stock market, net purchases of gaming firm Roblox Corp made it the top foreign stock purchased in June and July, Korea Securities Depository (KSD) data showed.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">Shares in local AR and VR technology firms MAXST and WYSIWYG STUDIOS have soared in recent months.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">Earth 2 investor Choi is conscious of potential metaverse pitfalls but excited: “Depending on the point of view, some could see it as a ridiculous thing or a bubble, but some see it as an opportunity.”</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">($1 = 1,156.2500 won)</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph"> </p><blockquote class="reader-text-block__quote">Asian network operators aren't the only ones pining for a 5G-killer-app metaverse. "The metaverse will need the speed and capabilities of the faster network to fully optimize futuristic applications and keep pushing progress. It is critical to pay attention to these mind-bending and evolving applications. The metaverse transformation is global. It will impact us all," according to an article published last year on Verizon's website titled "The metaverse is coming – it just needed 5G."</blockquote><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph"> </p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">T-Mobile touted its work with companies like Iconic Engine and Omnivore to create augmented and virtual reality experiences around baseball. After all, T-Mobile, Verizon, and AT&T all have invested in startup incubators and venture capital programs to develop fancy 5G demos to "spur innovation" in search of "the next big thing."</p><blockquote class="reader-text-block__quote">What's really going on here is a little bit of wishful thinking among 5G executives hoping to justify the billions of dollars they're spending to build 5G networks. The metaverse is another digital trend that will undoubtedly rely on wireless networks but almost certainly will not create profits for wireless network operators themselves.</blockquote><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">If history is any indication, the metaverse will blow past the 5G industry on its way toward lining the pockets of big Internet companies. And network operators themselves will be left to fight over which one offers the cheapest night and weekend calling minutes, er, unlimited data options, er, virtual reality service plans.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph"> </p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph"> </p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">Authors Note: Education is about expanding the horizons of human experience and becoming more inclusive. Only in a state of inclusiveness can the empowerment of education become a bounty all of us may cherish. Every student should experience as many cultures, nations & religions as possible to help foster greater inclusiveness. At least 50% of school curricula around the world to be made up of common, global education, alongside more nationally driven educational content. By building this Global 5G Community, we at Global 5G Evolution aim to catalyze connections and global technology transfer to help many more University students & Schools worldwide to become truly global citizens who are technologically savvy.</p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph">Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/Global5GEvolution</p><p> </p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph"> </p><p class="reader-text-block__paragraph"> </p>
KR Expert - Kaneshwaran Govindasamy
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